Spring Concert Dance Contract

Memorandum of Understanding

I am making a commitment to be in the Samba Fogo Spring Concert on April 14 & 15, 2023.

I understand I need to attend all my scheduled rehearsals in order to make a beautiful show. I understand I need to have all my show material memorized by April 1, when I will participate in a memory test at rehearsal. If I do not have the material memorized by that date, I understand I might not get to dance in those pieces.

In exchange for my commitment, I understand I will be receiving free dance education and training, as well as stepping into a supportive and loving community, which comes with many benefits. These opportunities are of value to me, even without monetary compensation, as I understand the energy exchange involved.

I agree to attend all rehearsals I am scheduled for, and I pledge to be present and do my best at each rehearsal. I am aware of the following show-week rehearsals, held at the Jeanne Wagner Theater inside the Rose Wagner Performing Arts Center:

Tech Rehearsal on Tuesday, April 11, 7-10pm
Dress Rehearsal on Wednesday, April 12, 6-10pm
Media day / extra rehearsal day on Thursday, April 13, evening (optional / if needed)
Show Dates: Friday & Saturday, April 14-15, 7:30pm. Full show runs about 70 minutes.